Cherry & Wild Strawberry Panettone - Panettone Ciliegia e FragolinaFiasconaro
Chestnut & Chocolate Panetone - Panettone Marron NoirPizzicheria Grappelli
Chocolate & Cherry Panettone - Panettone Cioccolato e CiliegiaGRAPPELLI
Chocolate & Pear Panettone - Panettone Pera e Cioccolato
About us
What is a Pizzicheria? Explaining the “what” might not be easy, but explaining who or what you can find in Pizzicheria could be. The Pizzicheria is the reign of the Pizzicagnolo, not a shop but his home. The Pizzicheria isn’t a simple market because you live it and explore it as if it were your own pantry, and the Pizzicagnolo’s job then? You get there with an idea, the Pizzicagnolo offers you the instruments to make it happen. He is there to advise you on what to get and how to pair it.